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Old 10-16-2011, 03:08 PM
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Location: College Station, Texas
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Well this is really like picking out a special perfume, I think it is personal, but not a secret. I am an organized person and I have a bedroom for my sewing room. I can be in the middle of playing with my friends(quilting) can get pretty small and pretty messy.....then I have to stop and clean it up. Then I go at it again. I try to keep it in 2 ways. #1 is ----What do I want to look at on a regular basis, Books can be orderly and I have 2 book shelves, one on each side of the 2 large windows. I reserve the top 2 shelves on each shelf for the "dust me's"....Pictures of grand kids and special things People have given me through the years. then I have a cutting table, well lighted and I can store things under it. My Ironing board is an old wooden one. I keep it standing under the cutting table. It just slides right under and helps it not to look so junky. I have to be able to pull the IB out when I need it. #2--I try to keep my fabric out of the light and in the closet. I use ART Bins to contain ufo's or special supplies. I think of this room as "where I work" and spend many happy hours in here. I have a really comfortable chair.....I can share it with maybe 2 of 4 schnausers. I can rest or dream up the next one. I have my fabrics in a neat order, but not by color, maybe size. I share what ever "bothers" me with who ever would like to have it. I keep my own house, no housekeeper, so it gets dusty or the dogs bring in debris from our dry yard. I do laundry and cook meals. My sewing room is good for me and 2 other quilters and my sister who has her own coloring table so she can be in here with us. She is 50 and Down Syndrome. It is only a bedroom of average size and it does get a little close and small with all of us in here,but we all laugh and visit and love to be together....kinda like kitchens at the holidays....If your room works for you, no matter what you have or how you keep it.....enjoy. I got more sewing done before I had a room to dedicate just to sewing.
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