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Old 10-16-2011, 03:24 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Bennington Vt
Posts: 258

my sewing room is still a work in progress, but i am getting some organization to it after working on it for 2 years. I converted the formal living room that never got uses, and put my long arm in the middle of it. I have my Bernina in my old singer cabinet, and a Janomie on my grandmothers library table in front of a window. 3 or the 4 corners have bookcases to store fabric. Anything 1Yd + is folded flat bolt style and stacked in one area. under 1 yd is folded another way and fits on the same shelves. Anything 4 Yds or more is in another corner, along with my wide backs, along with white and beige tone on tones, and misc things like the heavy pellon for bags. The third bookcase is more of the shorter lengths 1+yds. The forth corner has 4 of those rolling plastic drawer systems, stacked 2 on 2. The small drawers hold threads, (4 of them), then some drawers have specility things like baby flannel, terry for bibs, Christmas, things like that. All the bottom shelves have plastic totes from Stapples to hold specific projects that I am collecting for. I also have another wood stand that was made to hold records, it is wonderful for notebooks loaded with magazines and patterns. the dog has his man cave (the crate) under one end of the long arm, the other has 4 large totes with the rest of the fabric that I just do not know where to put! Yes, I have a big stash, my mom and I were competeing to see who could have the most, but then I inherited all of hers...
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