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Old 10-16-2011, 05:51 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Middle Georgia
Posts: 15

Recently one of our guild members did a program on organizing your stash. I've been working on mine but haven't finished. I just get to work a while each day, but I'm eating away at it. In the program she said to use a ruler to fold the fabric and that way, each piece will be the same width. With the selveges together, you just lay the ruler across the fabric and roll it up. It looks pretty much like the bolts in the fabric store, without the bolt. Then you slide the ruler out, fold the fabric in half and stack it neatly wherever you have a place to stack it. I separated mine (or tried to) by color, then by light, medium, or dark.

I have a book shelf that I bought several years ago from IKEA and it has bins that are about 13 x 13. Using a 6-inch ruler, I folded my fabric and it fit perfectly in two stacks in each bin.

As I folded and stacked, I realized just how much fabric I have, and I think I could quilt for a while without buying more fabric. I really feel bad about having so much stuff, especially after doing two mission trips and finding out how little some people have. Therefore, I've sworn off buying fabric for a while.

Good luck on your organizing.
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