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Old 10-18-2011, 06:35 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by dtippens
My sister was making something other then a quilt. She called me and asked me what to do with fleece that keeps
stretching while sewing , She was using this for a backing for some Chaps she was making for her son.

Any way I told her to go and buy spray Glue. She went to wall mart and saw the price of spary glue... (now this is my sister knowing alot about cars.) She called me back, and said to went to the automotive store and bought what they call glue spray for the inside of your care overhead liner. (This is for the inside of your car when the top of your ceiling comes down and hits you in the head)
It is the same as glue spray for 1/4 of the price. I think she
said she paid $3.00- $4.00 for a large can.
I told her I would pass this on. same product for 1/4 of the cost.
She could just use her walking foot as well even while making clothes; it would help. She could also use something like stitch witchery tape where she could tape the seams closed and then sew over it; that should help.
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