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Old 10-20-2011, 03:12 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Island, Kentucky
Posts: 3

Cheri, I too am a self-taught, beginner quilter. I was confined to bed during my last pregnancy and had great neighbors. My grandmothers friends helped me get started quilting at this time, I could sit with a lap table and cut out patterns (with help) and I hand stitched the entire quilt. You may want to check your area for a Homemakers Club. I am the president of the Nuchols Homemakers in my area. The art of quilting as well as crochet and knitting are disappearing with our generation. We are trying to encourage the younger generations to pick up some of these arts as well as cooking and canning. Check with your local County Extension Office for guidance and clubs that you may be interested in. There are many women who meet monthly at quilting classes. A good book is a start, but you will learn more from someone with experience like I did. Good Luck!
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