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Old 10-21-2011, 04:58 AM
Debbie C
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Carlisle, PA
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I feel that pain - but my traditional wedding dress was from a marriage that lasted only two years. My 2nd husband (of 35+ years) and I had a less traditional wedding. I wore a dove grey quiana gown - he got the white suit! So my first wedding gown meant nothing to me. When my girls were looking for Halloween 'ghost bridal gowns' I decided it was time to give it up to them. Now, after many years of spooky fun, it's covered in fake blood and the train and veil are thread-bare. At 28 and 22 years old, they still use it!!
Originally Posted by Linda-in-iowa
After 41 years I got rid of it a couple of months ago. The same day my daughter asked me if she could use it for a costume party. My wedding dress would be a gag costume. Oh, the heartbreak of it all. :)
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