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Old 10-22-2011, 06:01 AM
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The few block swaps I have joined, the majority of the blocks were made from cheap fabric and you could tell not much thought went in the sewing. I mean bright pink thread to sew dark fabric pieces? The thread is usually thick so the seam won't press flat. Why do quilters that sign up for swaps use thread and fabric they want to get rid of? It's so obvious. The blocks I did receive that were nice I used them in a quilt, the others went in the trash. I wasn't about to keep them around to be disappointed looking at them. If I see those block makers in the list of future swaps I don't participate. I always send a small gift to the swappers that follow the swap intention, it does take time and thought to make a nice one to send to someone and I appreciate the effort for the block to be as nice as possible. Just my thoughts on block swaps.
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