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Old 10-22-2011, 09:48 AM
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I'm still amazed at the number of folks that have responded that don't sleep well, me included ! When my children were little i could hear every move they made, especially if they got up; as they got older and started going places at night without me, whether to friends or a ball game, I still didn't go sound asleep until they were home. I really thought that when I got to be my age (64), I would be able to sleep through the night, well I don't !

I can usually go to sleep fairly easy but almost every two hours, if not sooner, I'm awake. Some times I just get up about 1:30 or 2 a.m., check the QB, read, watch tv or make plans what I'm going to do. If I get up that early it makes for a grouchy iritable me the next day. I don't dare try to nap during the day because I'm afraid that would interfere with what little sound sleep I get during the night.

I've tried different sleep meds, either over the counter or RX; I have high blood pressure and can't just take anything. I used to think that the key was a warm bath before bed and that did work a couple of time; I've even been known to get in the tub at 2 a.m. to try and relax enough to go back to sleep.

I saw where someone else mentioned that she can't sew or cut until it is daylight and I'm the same way. I don't have adequate lighting to work at night.

I have a hand held battery powered Solitaire game that I take to bed with me; sometimes when I wake I'll play several hands because that is something I can do mindlessly and try to avoid me trying to solve all of life's What If's !
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