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Old 07-22-2009, 01:20 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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quoting tslowery:

Here is the latest email I recieved from Ginger on Kennedy.......

Subject: 7/20/09 trip to MCG

There has been no update on the Wake Forest procedure. The FDA is still going through all of the data from their previous test on the 6 subjects that were on a 2 year study. Therefore the growing of the bladder has not begun and a surgery date has not been obtained.

Kennedy’s visit to the doctor in Augusta on 7/20/09 was to determine whether or not her doctor felt that we should go ahead and expand her bladder size (using a 20cm section of intestine) Kennedy's bladder doesn't grow but her kidneys need relief from helping the bladder with storage of the urine.

The ultrasound on her kidneys was great news showing that the hydronyphrosis (swelling in the kidneys and ureters) was way down. This was great news. This is because she wears the leg bag that keeps the bladder empty (which helps the kidneys to be able to empty)

Dr. D has decided (with my input) that we will continue with the urine leg bag and suprapubic tube until January in hopes that Wake Forest will have news.

Hope you all are well and thank you so much for the support that you all continue to give for Kennedy.

We are on day 21 of the "31 days of prayer for Kennedy's specific needs" Please continue to pray.

for future updates, please consult tslowery's diary.
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