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Old 10-25-2011, 11:31 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 37

So sorry for your house fire. Because of ours, my husband, son, daughter, and I became firefighters! And medics. Ours was caused by a table lamp that was a house warming gift. It warmed my house to the ground. We lost one dog that belonged to a dear friend we were dog sitting for. That was the hardest thing ever to tell her when she came back expecting to pick up her darling baby! The insurance company made us list every single thing in our house. Including how many bobby pins and feminine product I had, if you catch my drift. They were relentless. We fought them for a year and they made me ill with migraine headaches. We won! We always use strips but remember to check them for wear. Check lamp cords, TV's, anything electrical, radio's, guitars. If it's electric check it every year. And please get smoke alarms. They didn't have them then and we were lucky to get out alive.
As a fire fighter, I have seen horrible things happen when people don't have them or don't change the batteries. So please as October is Fire Prevention month, check them every October or when you set your clocks back if you have to change times. Sorry for the soapbox, but it can mean life or death and awful people who try and cheat you out of what you have paid a premium for. I've seen too much. Hugs, Jan
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