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Old 10-26-2011, 07:52 AM
Happy Treadler
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Originally Posted by teddysmom
Originally Posted by nigeria
I have been hand quilting for years and I have used a lot of the quilts on beds, so they have been washed often. They are all still intact, so far. Some of the fabric is very thin, but the stitches remain. I usually pull the thread through about an inch, then make a back stitch, complete the area and back stitch again. I also run the end through about an inch at the end.
I find hand quilting is very relaxing and satisfying.
Have fun!
That's the way I do my stitches. I find it works better than knotting.
OK, if I'm following you correctly, at the end I would insert my needle at the end of my line and go about an inch, do a backstitch, go back to my starting point & quilt as usual ending in a backstitch & bury my thread? Am I complicating this more than it is? I'm typically a knot-popper, myself. :)
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