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Old 10-26-2011, 07:55 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2010
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Originally Posted by Happy Treadler
Originally Posted by teddysmom
Originally Posted by nigeria
I have been hand quilting for years and I have used a lot of the quilts on beds, so they have been washed often. They are all still intact, so far. Some of the fabric is very thin, but the stitches remain. I usually pull the thread through about an inch, then make a back stitch, complete the area and back stitch again. I also run the end through about an inch at the end.
I find hand quilting is very relaxing and satisfying.
Have fun!
That's the way I do my stitches. I find it works better than knotting.
OK, if I'm following you correctly, at the end I would insert my needle at the end of my line and go about an inch, do a backstitch, go back to my starting point & quilt as usual ending in a backstitch & bury my thread? Am I complicating this more than it is? I'm typically a knot-popper, myself. :)
No, just pull the needle up, hold onto the thread that is buried in the batting and start quilting as usual. Not really necessary to take an extra stitch still you'll be catching the buried thread when you quilt over it.
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