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Old 10-26-2011, 12:14 PM
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you know, ya'll could come over and help me trim tree limbs! I trimmed some limbs off the crab apple tree in the backyard mainly so they wouldn't be right over the gutter. Well the snow is so wet and heavy, more limbs were laying right on the electrical lines to the house.
I had to put my boots on and get out there with a broom. yep, snow in my hair now. I also got the long metal pole with a saw on the end for trimming tree limbs. got one cut off but the others are too skinny and the branches keep moving. i will have to get a ladder to trim those after the snow is gone.
a neighbor came and shoveled my 3 car driveway. he was only asking "donations" toward a new winter jacket he needs. So i gave him $20.00. He now says he will be back! of course. But still, I"m happy. after that trekking through the snow and getting my hands frozen, i welcome any help.
so come on ya'll, I'm a waitin!!
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