Thread: Guilds
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Old 10-29-2011, 04:49 AM
Peggybluebird's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: east central Iowa
Posts: 85

My sister and I are recently-retired teachers and are both quilters. We visited the local guild's show in September, and ran into a handful of people we knew, and were invited to come to the guild meetings. We've been to two now, went on the fall retreat (2.5 days of sewing, sharing, eating, laughing, and great fun!), and have gotten to meet more guild members. All of the folks have been so welcoming, supportive, and encouraging! At our first meeting, the new folks were invited to stand and we were welcomed with applause and smiles all around the room. I am impressed with all the service projects these folks do! This guild of around 300 members donated over 800 quilts to local need-based organizations this year! In addition, they raised over $2500 to donate to a local camp for handicapped folks. I like being a part of a group that cares for others. The monthly meetings feature a guest speaker who presents between the morning and evening meetings, and you can attend that part or not. The focus of this group is educating others, and learning from each other. They seem to be of the mind that we do and should learn from others and share what we've learned along the way.
Many days I sew alone at home, and I love that, especially after 43 years of working outside the home and being way too busy! I am blessed to be so close to my sister and we quilt together at least once a week so that is something of a mini-guild for the two of us.
Both my sister and I visit this Board daily and have learned so much form all of you! Thank you for your continued inspiration!
We are blessed to have the best of all worlds!
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