Old 10-29-2011, 05:53 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Posts: 26

I was in 4H for 10 years. Took Sewing every year. Branched out a little with Crafts and Electricity at times, but never dropped sewing. We sewers met about once a month, or more frequently if needed, at our leader's house. Another leader would bring her sewing machine (in its cabinet) so more of us could sew at one time.

One of the wasy 4H benefitted me was in Jr. High Home Economics class. While others were sewing look-alike projects, with their every action pre-approved by the teacher (to prevent things like sewing a seam with right side to wrong side facing) we 3 4H girls had individually selected projects comensurate with our skills. Mrs. Akers periodically came over to see how we were doing, but we just sewed until we needed her help. In the 9th grade she guided me through a wool suit with horsehair inner facings and self-made lining. I loved her for giving me some independence.

When my daughter was 4H age, we were living overseas in Japan and did not have 4H available, so it was Girl Scouts for her.

4H is a great organization.
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