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Old 10-31-2011, 03:24 AM
NJ Quilter
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Originally Posted by leatheflea
You can use your table to layer. I've done it several times. I longarm now but ocassionally I have one that I dont want to long arm. I layered a lonestar last week using my kitchen table. The picture I've attached is a quilt that I did earlier in the year on a long folding table. I use large black clips that you can get at wal mart or office supply store. When I put my backing on I use these same clips to keep my backing flat, layer the batting, removing one clip at a time to hold down batting to the back, then repeat process when I add the top. I'm spray basting between the layers. I only move the quilt about 12 inches or so each time I need to pin a new area. You really don't even need to pin but on this particular quilt I did. The one I'm currently working on I didnt pin, only spray basted.
This is the process I use all the time. I have one of the craft tables similar to those available at JoAnn's. It's not overly large and I've done king sized quilts on this table simply by carefully shifting as necessary. I start in the middle, pin, move the bulk of the quilt to one edge, making sure that a reasonable amount of the previously pinned area, clip and proceed. It's far easier on the back and certainly on the knees as opposed to doing it on the floor!
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