Old 11-01-2011, 06:49 PM
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I am so sorry to read the news. Please take care - I know we will be thinking of you.
Originally Posted by MissyGirl View Post
I got word this morning that my brother has had a heart attack. He is only 47. I lost my other brother a few years ago from a massive stroke and he was only 47 when he died. When my brother died my mom did not get to the hospital before he was declared brain dead. That was such a horrible time for my family.

Tomorrow they are going to attempt a stress test. We do not know how that is going to go.

Anyway, we are leaving in the morning to head to Tennessee to be with him and his wife and children. I do not know how long we will be gone but I will have my computer with me since I know we will be spending a good amount of time in a waiting room.

I will try to update y'all as often as possible.

My brother's name is Vince and his wife is Becky. All prayers (for those that pray) are welcome. Thank you guys for being a good source of support for me!

MJ...could you PM me with your phone number so I could call you and update you? Thank you!

PS: I sent this once but I cannot figure out if it posted. Could someone let me know if it posts??

I am too emotional right now to even know what to do on this new board thingy...

"Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light"
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