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Old 11-04-2011, 04:06 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

I CAN fully understand what you are feeling, and it is NOT a
pleasure walk in the park.

Here is what I KNOW from my own personal experience. I
had a deteriorated disc C5-C6 area. I went through months
of various treatments; physical therapy, traction, exercise
medications for spasms, muscle relaxants and pain just to
name a few. Six months after I had first seen a Dr about
the pain in my neck, I was undergoing interior cervical surgery.
In the end I have had 2 surgeries because my vertebrae did
not do a complete fusion after the first surgery.

Now as for a way to help you sew while you are dealing with your
neck issues. Raise your machine and ONLY sit and sew a couple
minutes at a time. REST as much as you can. Try to "tip" your
machine up at an angle to help you see the top of your project.

Sadly though this is NOT a guaranteed fix. For me while I have
been going through the worst of my issues with my neck I was
not able to sit at my desk on the computer for more than 5-10
minutes at a time and the monitor was even at eye level for me.

I hope that you can find relief with your neck SOON as I know
how hard it is to go through life in pain and unable to enjoy things
that you have always liked doing.

Good luck.

Quilty-Louise is offline