Old 11-05-2011, 05:14 AM
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Originally Posted by deemail View Post
well, we've been told to read 'important announcement;' 'QB help;' 'positive comments;' 'negative comments;' and now FAQ....i object to the fact that they did not do this well and are waiting for all of us to stumble on the right answers to everyone's questions is exactly what has made it so difficult... if they had opened with the FAQ from their testers and basic instructions so we could locate our favorite parts, then a lot more people might be further along. they have renamed existing functions without telling us, some functions have disappeared, and maybe the new functions they put on are great, but we have to wait for someone to find it and spread the word... it is not asking too much for a little head's up when the whole site is going to change appearance (i thought the white got better, but today it appears to be back) and okay, i can get used to using the word 'subscription' incorrectly, but where is all the quilt info? it's been 4 days and someone would be back to discussing their quilts instead of site bashing... they took away a site that worked, and replaced it with one that is frustrating and they are still telling us to 'look around,' 'explore,' etc., but that isn't what we came for....they did this to us, stop blaming the users.

and while we're at it, where is FAQ? you gave us a link and I thank you for that, but i would have to come back to this thread to locate it the next time something comes up... i have not seen the button or heard it referred to previously ... thank you for the link, but we do need its location...
Click on the Home tab, click on Main and it appears in blue just below the ad.
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