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Old 11-08-2011, 05:59 PM
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Default My new Quilting Machine!

My new quilting machine arrived today. It is an APQS Freedom. Tomorrow, someone from APQS in Des Moines is coming to set it up and make sure I knhow to run it. (It better not snow too much there tonight so he can make it out of there in the morning! I am so excited--I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. I had a Tin Lizze 18LS for almost a year and started quilting for customers and I decided I wanted a 26" machine to have more quilting space. And I also wanted the electric fabric advance which the APQS Freedom has. So I sold my Tin Lizzie a few weeks ago and ordered the APQS Freedom. Now to just have to learn how to run it!! I know every machine has a different "feel" to it depending on how the handles are situated and the handles on my Freedom are completely different than what I was used to on the Tin Lizzie so I hope I can adjust easily to using this machine with completely different handles. I ahve customer quilts waiting to be quilted so I better adjust fast!!!
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