Old 11-09-2011, 08:06 PM
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I had a PIF returned recently - it was great!!

While in Jamaica I had found a camera. I brought it to the hotel front desk to turn it in to LAF. While the clerk was logging it all in I scrolled through the pictures thinking I might recognize the person and let them know I had turned their camera in. Saw several pic's of the same two people, apparently at their wedding just prior to arrival.

On our way back to our room I actually spotted the couple coming out of the gym!! I recognized him instantly and I asked them if they were recently married - yes - and if they had lost a camera - yes!! I told them I turned it in to the front desk. I noticed that she was holding a white plastic shopping bag bearing the name of the hotel.

Flash forward to the night before I'm checking out and packing (several days after the camera find). We had purchased two mirrors at the gift shop and could not find them. I called the front desk and as it was late the maids had all gone home but he promised he would ask her when she came in in the morning (I was sure the bag had been in the room). We searched more and even called our friends at the hotel. I then thought ... perhaps it hadn't been in the room and called the front desk again to ask if it had been turned in. He looked, and sure enough it was!! Hubby and I went right up to the front desk and he pulled out the LAF log for me to sign.

Imagine my surprise when I looked at the log and noted that my item was logged 2 minutes after the camera that I had found earlier!! I asked the clerk about it and he laughed and said the couple that came for the camera had turned it in!!

I know PIF's work, but I've never seen one work this fast!!

Another PIF moment was a cold rainy night on the Interstate and I ran out of gas, and wouldn't you know it I didn't have my cell phone. A nice older couple picked me up, took me to their house to pick up his gas can, he then bought gas, drove me back to my car and filled my tank. He wouldn't take a single dollar AND HE BOUGHT THE GAS, just told me to do the same some day!! The next day was bright, sunny and warm so hubby and I took fruit basket over to their house, they were not home so I left it with a thank you note. Two nights later in almost the same place I saw a woman standing by the side of her car with lights flashing. I stopped and drove her to the nearest gas station where she called a tow truck (her car had over-heated, suspected water pump). Wish I could have helped her more, but I was glad to do the little I could.

Love the stories - keep them coming!!

Last edited by DogHouseMom; 11-09-2011 at 08:22 PM.
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