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Old 11-21-2011, 10:35 AM
TeaBeetle's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 7
Default Sooo new to all of this :)

Hello everyone! I'm usually pretty bad at introducing myself but I'll try. I'm 41 and I live in S. Carolina. I've always been very creative (drawing, photography, etc.) but I'm completely new to quilting so I thought I'd give it a try. I've seen some amazingly beautiful quilts crafted by some very talented folks and while I'm sure I'll never reach that level of expertise I'm hoping to become somewhat proficient at least. Sooo, I went out and bought a rather large book on quilting as well as some basic tools and went to work on my first quilt! (I'm hand quilting at this point). I'm really enjoying it so far although I feel like I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants. Anyway, it's very nice to meet you all...please bear with me as I'm sure I'll have some pretty ridiculous questions to ask!

Thanks for reading!
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