Old 11-22-2011, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Sheila_H View Post
All I can think of is the vast number of people that quilt - those attorney's would be one busy bunch of people trying to look at every quilt to see if there's an infringement on policy.

My BIL is an attorney I asked him about it tonight and he said unless the company sends a legal notice with each bolt of fabric to the buyer, stating that they have a copyright and need to be notified if someone is going to display it in a show; there really can't say anything. He said about the only time you might get into the gray zone is if you win a large sum of cash you would probably need to notify the manufacturer.

He said that there are a lot of old laws on books out there that have never been amended or updated in years! He said they would have a hard time of them trying to get a judge to hear it in court as they're already overloaded with nonsense
This is the first post that makes sense!! If these lawsuits are such a common occurrence why is it the only place we hear about it is sewing/emb.boards? I have never seen a news article or a link to one. It's always someone that knows someone whose neighbor's sister heard about it. My understanding is(per my attoney) you cannot be arrested or have your machines confiscated. This is not a criminal matter. If you are not presenting your items as "official" you are not violating anything.
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