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Old 11-23-2011, 05:20 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Delmarva Peninsula
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Yesterday I made vodka spray starch, 1/4 Cup Vodka, 2 cup water (scant), and a few drops of rose water. Works wonderfully. Make sure you use a spray bottle that has been cleaned thoroughly, (re use, re cycle, re gift), I love it. So far I think it works as well as the Best Press. I have had difficulty with the Best Press bottle leaking, so I didn't reuse that bottle. Does any one else have a problem with Best Press bottles leaking?
Originally Posted by Sandyb
Was there something posted on the board at one time about there being something out there that could be used in place of Best Press (spelling?)? I was at our guild meeting the other day and we were working on a new project and the lady leading the class was talking about how she uses Best Press for all of her quilting projects but that it is quite expensive. She let us use her's and it did give the material a nice press and feel. Thank you for any help or info you can give me.

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