Old 11-23-2011, 08:51 AM
Podunk Princess
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I can do this.......LOL! Although I have planned to stay in control, I know that I will be way over my calorie limit for the day. Stressing out over one day's "bad" eating is a waste of time and energy. I plan to be back on track the next day when leftovers can easily be worked into a "good" eating day!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Originally Posted by Beachbound View Post
Taboo Tuesday!

Todays taboo is GUILT! No guilt allowed this week, just enjoy your Thanksgiving. Eat in moderation, excerise when you can and love whoever will let you. If you do overeat on Thursday, don't fuss but get back on program on Friday....or Saturday...or as soon as you can. Live is short enough we need to enjoy each day and embrace who we are while making sure we are getting stronger & healthier each & every day. Happy Thanksgiving!
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