Old 11-24-2011, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by jaciqltznok View Post
PLEASE stop posting this site...it is NOT the Holy Bible of Copyright law. and YES, people are sueing/being sued over the use of fabric to make items for sale that have this "not for commercial use" printed on the selvages.
I belong to several designer forums and it is really causing many issues in the industry.
Please give specifics. The only place I have seen any turmoil on this issue is on message boards, forums and blogs. There is no factual information anywhere, just rumor, heresay, speculation, panic and hysteria.

I have spoken with fabric retailers, large and small, and they are not concerned. I suspect the Emily Cier case that Prism mentioned is based entirely on the right of public display granted to copyright owners (the exception of display in person by a legal copy owner does not fit if you publish a picture in a book) and has absolutely nothing at all to do with this 'not for commercial use' hoopla.

Show me proof that anyone has brought suit against anyone else for selling something made from fabric restricted by 'not for commercial use' on the selvage. We are NOT talking about licensed fabrics, trademarked designs, or anything other than simple, straight-forward quilting fabric restricted to 'personal use only' by the designer. So much rumor (how many threads are going on this subject now?), so little proof.

And FYI, olebat, one item sold one time constitutes 'commercial'. It is not a matter of quantity, legal organization, or intent.
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