Old 11-28-2011, 06:23 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 150

I recently purchased a used Bernina 180 Artista. I just love it and my husband bought a book to go with it. I am having problems with the quick reverse button, the "F" and the end pattern on the front of the machine. Does anyone know if there is a way to reset these?
As far as the ruffler foot, I have used mine and not sure if I used it correctly but it does make easy work of pillow ruffles. Resently I saw sewing with Nancy and her guest was showing how to use a ruffler. I plan on going back and trying it again to see if what I saw was the same way I used it.

As far as feet go, I went to a quilt show and they were selling all sorts of feet and I made myself go home and start using the ones I have. The best one was the hemmer foot and I have not done a hem by hand since, being 4'11" I do have to hem everything I buy. Best of luck with you feet.
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