Thread: Do you remember
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 18

Both of my grandmothers were always sewing. one was a homemaker and she sewed much of her own clothes and clothes for the grandchildren, frilly pretty dresses and that sort of thing. she had five boys so it seems like she was waiting to try out her skills on girls clothes! my mother saved all of those handmade baby dresses and my own daughter has worn them too which is just so wonderful. my other grandma worked in a factory sewing lace for most of her adult life. she made all of her daughter (my moms) clothes and taught her to sew. my mom made most of her clothes as a young adult and her maternity clothes too. it was a given that i'd be sewing at some point since i always remember seeing them all at their machines and trying on their creations
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