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Old 12-11-2011, 09:42 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,723

Trotting back in here, to try again!

And now I see,
CherylSea has joined into this adventure! Welcome!

Now I'll try to continue with what I was trying to post before. hhhhhmmmmmmm??? Wonder were the cyber-gremlins sending me a message?

First of all
THANKS for missing me. When I am gone from the home-front, I go sans-computer! Talk about withdrawal!!! Though, I did have a quilty-fix and visited SheilaH's LQS. Unfortunately she was under the weather, and we weren't able to meet Talk about one lucky lady to have such a great LQS. Lots of colour, large florals, though no PC novelties! Maybe it's a good thing, that I don't live near that shop? Of course, I "had" to bring home a few souvenirs. If you'd like a wee peek, checkout the current issue of Quilt Sampler, as it's one of the featured shops.

I've missed our chats, so now am trying to dig out from the backlog IRL, decorate for Christmas, write cards, and last night decided I'd better get started on my gift for the exchange at my "adopted" family Christmas. Don't want to have to pull an all-nighter on Christmas Eve!! So now ... I'll try to catch up with this thread ...........

OKSewGlad ... Yeaaaaa!!!!!! I knew you wouldn't hold true to your word. Glad that we've drawn you into the Posse!!

VioletsFarm ... Great that you are in too. It gets lonely in the FWS threads at times, so please join OK, myself and a few others, in addying your FWS blocks. Besides the Pioneer FWS Ladies have been soo good with the oooohs and aaaaahs to we LateComers!!

To the Many FWSPC Newbies ... Welcome y'all!!!! It's so good to have you trotting along on the FWSPC with us. I'll look forward to getting to know you better along the trails and at the campfires!!

MiraBelle ... Your fabrics sound nicely American .... though that's YOUR country colours, too, right? Would you please post us a pic? As for those UFO/WIP/PhDs, if you do them, then you won't have any. That' just SO wrong!!! *giggles*

Speaking of Pictures!!!!!!!!! ... where are they my dear Cowgirls?? Pleeeeeeease do show us your FWSPC that you've set aside, ready and waiting!

JanieW ... Hope you are at less than a million now! There's very lucky L'il Cowboy/girl preemies who get to cuddle up in your tiny quilts! What size do you make them?

EarlyBird FWSPC'ers ... Good for you and your keen enthusiasm! I am SO tempted and itchy fingered to try a block. then I come back to reality and remember I WANT to complete my FWS blocks before PC starts. Would someone please take my PC CD from me? So far, I have not tempted fate by inserting it to see what it beholds, as I am sure then I will go beyond. NOW WAY, Jose! NOT until January 3rd!!! I can resist .......................... maybe??

... I'm already missing you, and I haven't been here during your computer troubles. Hopefully, you can get things sorted out very quickly! I bet your DS is keeping you up to date though!

Carolyn, our pseudo-Honchey ... Welcome!! When you offered to be the go between via email, did you mean PMs? Have we recruited you to join the FWSPC? Sure would be nice to have you along!

DublB ... good spirit there!! I like the way you think Ys are not Ys, merely miniature mitred corners!! We CAN all do this, for sure!! And for those that hesitate on mitred corners, they'll soon be ready to do them without a 2nd thought!

JanRN ... SEE!!! I knew you could do it!! Though not fair for racing ahead, and shoing us up!!! Glad that you are feeling better about what is to come. As for me, as above, I'm in ignore mode at this time!!

And now,
MY CONFESSION ... While away, I took my PC book to read, and I started to panic at the complexity of the work to come. Then I settled myself down and said, no need to fret now .... lots of time for that in 2012, along with the others! And besides, if I don't try new and different things, how can I ever get better as a quilter? (as I offer huge praises for FWS and my discovering PPing wasn't so bad as I had convinced myself it was!)

And for
Those Who Have FEAR, doubt and worry about proceeding with the FWSPC ... please remember what FEAR really is .........
Real !!!!!!

So NOTHING to FEAR, right?
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