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Old 12-13-2011, 07:27 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,043

I just found out that I will be called in to grandma duty at the end of February for a couple of weeks so I decided to do a couple of blocks so I wouldn't get behind. I am determined to use as much stash/scraps as possible. I chose to paper piece "cake stand". I found some fabrics that I liked together, checked to see that I had enough because they are scraps, then proceeded to sew. Got to the very last trim before putting on the bottom right triangle, not realizing the last piece of that fabric that was just barely big enough was underneath when I trimmed, and you guessed it, I sliced it in half. Ack. So now I will improvise and have my own , unique "cake stand" sigh.

my preemie quilts are 14"x24" for the singletons and the twins are 24"x34". I only have several thousand to go. They go together quickly, the longest part is hand sewing the binding.

Love your fabrics. They will go together so nicely.

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