Thread: Happy Holidays!
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Old 12-16-2011, 10:26 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 20
Default Happy Holidays!

Hi, to all members, lurkers, and brand-new discoverers of this board!
I wanted to finally introduce myself and wish everyone of you a very happy holiday season! I've been lurking since before all the changes to the site, and I just wanted you all to know how very much I'm enjoying the benefits of everyone's knowledge, support, humor, and kindness to one another.
Because of the talent of all you wonderful ladies and gents, I now have an even larger "bucket list" than I had before. I will now have to live 'til I'm about 200 to accomplish even half of what's on that list. While I have some technical skills, I am hoping to gain creativity and imagination by osmosis from you all. It's an absolute pleasure for me to see all the beautiful quilts, learn from the tutorials, and absorb the knowledge from you all. May you all have a beautiful holiday season, and a new year filled with love and wonder!
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