Thread: Kindle Fire
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Old 12-23-2011, 07:20 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ivins,Utah
Posts: 44

I love my Kindle Fire. It had a few irritations on it when it first came out. But they have already made two updates to the softwear and it is working much much better. It was hanging up when you went to a new link and about drove me crazy!
Anyway, it has many apps, I like word games. It also streams movies for free--you will need a netflix account, or Amazon has a long list of freebies.I thought the screen would really be too small for movies, but it seems not to be.
I read and send Email on it, and of course my favorite is the reading of books. Probably the thing I find the worst is that the screen is not like the Kindle--it does have some glare. And the battery time is shorter than I would like it. But all in all I would give an A.
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