Thread: Roaming Rounds
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Old 12-25-2011, 01:40 PM
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It is now Boxing Day in this/my part of the world. We enjoyed a lovely cool Christmas Day yesterday with the family who were a bit (quite a bit) late for lunch. Even so we all enjoyed spending time together. As usual I went a bit over board with the catering however there was plenty of choice and I would rather people had choices then not. Lots of left overs for us to graze on and no cooking for me in the next few days so even better.

Jacquie your lovely Angel graced the back ground to our Christmas table and just looked divine. It so happened that my design wall is in the lounge of my being built house and I had been going to take her down then decided that as I had very few Christmas Decorations and she was an Angle, she could stay so she did.

Hope you all enjoyed your own celebrations what or where ever they were.
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