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Old 12-28-2011, 05:59 AM
judyrael's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Theodosia, Missouri
Posts: 81

I think a lot of us get used to our little comfortable nest and although it is great to have our families come visit or go visit them, it feels so good to get things back to normal. Hubby and I had our son and daughter in law come visit for a week. We only get together about once every 3 years and it was so so nice to have them for Christmas. They drove 20 hrs. to come visit us. We had great food and a really fun time, BUT, which is a big one.... they brought their 2 Austrailian Shepherds with them.. They are beautiful, BUT, another one of those, we have 3 dogs also, a border collie, also an Aussie and a little cock a poo. So you can imagine what it was like with 5 dogs in the house for a week. They left this morning and it will take me a month to vacuum all the dog hair. Instead of little kids squealing, it was dogs barking and playing. Since their 2 dogs had to always stay on a leash in Florida, they had a ball in these Missouri Ozarks. We're taking the tree down today....enough is enough. It is so nice and quiet and peaceful in the house.
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