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Old 12-28-2011, 09:34 AM
redrider's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Thompson, OH
Posts: 25

I too am glad it is over. I way over-estimated the time I would have to get things quilted (fairly new at this). Things were pieced, but not quilted, then I ran out of thread for a table runner for my sister. "Forgot" that I needed to clean and decorate too! No car for a week while it was being repaired from a deer strike, and my boss went out on leave for rotator cuff surgery and I have to cover for her job as well as mine. Dealt with late in-laws for dinner on Christmas Eve (when will I learn??), and a sick husband on Christmas. But two of my girls (3rd lives in VA) and their boyfriends were over for Christmas day and that was fun. At least I got their quilted gifts done! Note to self for next year: start earlier and don't take on so many projects!
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