Thread: Roaming Rounds
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Old 12-28-2011, 11:36 AM
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hello ladies!! i hope this finds you all well!
it seems we've had a busy 'ole christmas!!! did we have fun?? lol...

well, the stitches are GONE!! woohooo!!! (carpal tunnel opp' last tuesday, stitches out today! at last!!)
although, i now have 'steri-strips' instead... i pulled my thumb the other day taking off my night-top and felt a 'pull' in the wound. not a painful pull, but enough to feel i had done something but i wasn't sure what... well, the 'top skin' has pulled apart a little, but it's healed underneath.
the surgeon cut along the skin fold line that runs around the base of the thumb. that must have been the 'pull' i felt. never mind, it will heal in time. it's nice to have rid of the stitches and all of the dressings though!
i asked the nurse about the physio that has been mentioned by a few different ladies... the doc's reply is that we don't deem it necessary here (in the uk) as it hasn't proved to be advantageous. so, i just have to take my time in healing, don't over do it, and be SENSIBLE. me, sensible? never!!??!! lol... i will of cause be very sensible where my hand is concerned. as i'd be 'gutted' if i lost the ability to sew!! i am a true believer of 'listening to my body', it will tell me, soon enough if it's not happy in any way! :c)

well i've rambled on enough now!!
thanks for listening to my 'jibber jabbering'!!!
take care all, love jacquie xxxxx
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