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Old 12-28-2011, 04:00 PM
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These echo my feelings, too. No one has ever gifted me with a quilt. I've gotten a couple when someone passed and their "stuff" was divided up ... but that's not the same. I'm sure I'd cry if someone made and gave me a quilt, no matter what it looked like. It would be beautiful in my eyes.

And mlsa (David) - I loved your reply, also!

Originally Posted by bnndr
If I received a hand made quilt that someone took the time to search for fabric, took the time to stitch the blocks, took the time to quilt the quilt, took the time to bind the quilt I would be grateful for that quilt. I dont care how sad the quilt was or how loppy it was or if it was made of sun yellow and hot pink together with splashes of purple, I would cherish that quilt as much as if it was the most beautiful quilt in the world. Someone choose me to present with a gift of their hard work and I would use that quilt even if it didn't go with a thing in my home. But that's just me.
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