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Old 12-28-2011, 07:16 PM
Susan Hansen12228
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: where FREE SPEECH still reigns
Posts: 29

I LOVE this time of year. Yes, we all have sadness and loss, disappointment, etc. We bring it onto ourselves by setting expectations so high. We put a stop to the commercialism part in our family get-togethers. The only people who complained were the greedy ones. Oh, how we love ourselves, and don't think about a stranger we pass in our daily lives. How about donating your time serving a meal with the Salvation Army or other organizations instead of feeling sorry for yourself ? There are so many people who would love to have you stop by with a plate of cookies or just to stop and say hello. Nursing homes, hospices, rescue missions, etc. Imagine how Jesus feels when He knows in your heart how you really feel about His birthday. After all, He died for each of us. I, myself, prefer to serve others in any way I can. That is what how I keep Christmas alive everyday of my life. Try it, you might like it and feel better about your life. Merry Christmas and a Blessed, Healthy New Year !
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