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Old 01-02-2012, 12:44 PM
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Dixie, they advised me not to starch until the top was all finsihed being sewn together. Starching and ironing can stretch the fabric and then your half hexes would have a hard time matching up with their twin. i'm a newbie too, but from what I read about starching here on the QB, you either starch 1) after prewashing and before cutting, OR 2) starch after your quilt top is all put together. I've read members warnings not to starch midway, because of the possibility of stretching and getting wonky blocks.
Also, folks told me to try a light application of spray adhesive between the quilt sandwich layers and that helped a lot too!

Your first arranged mock up shows this is going to be one beautiful quilt!

Last edited by BuzzinBumble; 01-02-2012 at 12:49 PM.
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