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Old 01-04-2012, 11:15 PM
SusieQ54's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Battle Creek, Michigan
Posts: 41

I buy without a plan about 85% of the time. The first place I look when I stop in any fabric store is in the remnant bin. I bought 1/2 to 1 yard lengths to build my stash, which has grown to a good size. Like others I buy fabric that I like and just have to have! I use my 40% off coupon at Joann's about twice a month and try to keep my fabric purchase under 3 yards at a time. I also check for usable fabric at thift stores and garage sales. I'm afraid I've acquired the fabric addiction! I have made a resolution for this year not to buy any more fabric until I make a dent in my stash. Like the idea of cutting some of my smaller pieces into 2 1/2" strips as this might inspire me to use some of this fabric instead of just storing it!
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