Thread: Fusible Batting
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Old 01-09-2012, 11:22 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
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I only have experience with Hobbs 80/20 fusible and I really like it. There are others, I think one is called fusi-boo and is a bamboo product? Check to see if your batt is water soluable too.
I lay my back down on the old carpet in the basement, then the batting on top, then the top.
I iron the front, pick up the sandwich, flip it over and iron the back working out any wrinkles that have appeared.
I want the back perfect because that is the side I can't see when machine quilting.
I put safety pins around the edge to avoid catching the sandwich and messing up the fusing.
I start quilting in the center of the sandwich.
When I have a good amount of the middle done, I bring it back to the carpet and re-iron the back again in case anything has shifted.
I like the Hobbs because it is water soluable but be careful not to use steam on the sandwich as it might unstick.
I wash the quilt when it is finished and it fluffs it a bit and it gets soft.

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