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Old 01-16-2012, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by TLC View Post
I am new to the quilting world. But I want to make some for my children. But I have hit a wall. I bought the material, and all the supplies that I think I need. If I should run into needing something else. I will just go buy it. This is what I am telling myself.

Here the problem: I can't get myself started. I am scared of messing it up and I want it to look right. It is a simple pattern. I did do some sample patches. And the seams didn't match! What if the quilt does the same thing? How will I fix it?

Any suggestions? I am sure that some of you went through this on your very first quilt. Please help....
I'm a beginner as well, but I found that when I was worried about sewing straight, if I took one of those fabric pencils and used a ruler to mark my 1/4 inch seam, I relaxed more and sewed MUCH straighter. Nothing is perfect anyway, just have fun with it! I always say that my quilts are a little "off"... just like me!
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