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Old 01-16-2012, 12:26 PM
Posts: n/a

OMG, if your mat is only three years old, you have a bigger problem than just needing a new mat. I have had my mat for over 10 years! It is perm attached to my cutting table and I use if for everything. I have olfa mats that are just about that old and look brand new. I do a lot of quilting and I don't go through a lot of blades, sounds like you are just pressing to hard when you are cutting. I had a friend that could not cut a whole quilt out because her hand would start hurting. I watched her cut one day and she was not only holding her blade wrong, but she was putting her whole body weight into each cut! 2 layers of fabric are not that thick and heavy to need a lot of pressure. She was also cutting at an angle, which was putting groves in her board. She came over and was using my board and left a couple of deep groves in mine after just a couple of cuts.. I am thinking your having the same issues. As they say 'lighten up' on the pressure, get a new board, and a new blade and start fresh with a light hand and see what happens