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Old 01-19-2012, 08:22 AM
Canada Kate
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Originally Posted by sailsablazin View Post
Can you still put a light in the closet so that you can see colors well in there without pulling out the tub of fabric???

Don't know if you got the message about the laundry chute in the laundry area.....we use ours all of the time and love it...just let it empty into a laundry basket down in the laundry room...

This is looking great and he is working fast...hmmm---send him my way,,,,need new kitchen counters..and ceramic tile in a bathroom..
I thought about a light in the closet but opted not to do it. It was a cost consideration. I did see your suggestion about the laundry chute and would love one! My house was built 4 years ago, and a chute was not in the design. To put one in now would require opening up walls on my main and 2nd stories, and even then I don't know if the wall cavities would be large enough for the size needed to install a chute. My main floor is open concept and only has one wall dividing the living/dining room and kitchen. I know from the plans that this is my mechanical wall, so all my ducts, plumbing, etc. run inside here. I doubt there is room for a laundry chute here as it is only about 12" wide.

I know that older homes sometimes had them, and I don't know why this stopped as it seems like a great idea to me. Many newer homes have the laundry on the main or second floor (my last house had it on the main floor). While I like the idea of having it on the second floor, if there was ever a burst pipe or other accident, the flood damage could potentially extend to the basement, so I'm not a huge proponent. (Although, as I have rheumatoid arthritis, lugging the laundry basket up and down two flights is getting harder all the time...).
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