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Old 01-21-2012, 08:14 PM
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Location: Tennessee
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Hi Dawn,
I have not sliced my finger with a rotary cutter BUT I did smash and pull the tip off when I was helping a friend move a sewing table that was upside down and the folded end of the table fell open and caught my finger. It took part of the bone off as well as all the skin and smashed the meat inside. it was a mess and I went to the ER with visions of them amputating the finger to the joint. They told me peroxide was a no no. I learned that God has really made us in a way that healing is quite a miracle. They gave me several choices of how to treat it. finishing teh amputation, doing a skin graft, or letting it heal on its own. I chose the last one. They told me it would take about 4 months for the skin to grow back over the mashed meat and it did. I was amazed! It took another year for most of the nerves to grow back. My finger is shorter, but even the fingerprints grew back! I had to change the bandage several times each day and had to do
a "whirlpool treatment" (I made my own using one of those water picks!) The thing that really helped with the healing and "comfort" ---and yes it hurt more than anything I have ever had in my life --- was the special bandage they recommended. We gopt it at a pharmacy. It was a sterile gauze pad that is soaked in something that makes it kind of feel like vaseline. It did not stick to the wound so it made it easier to change the bandage - you might want to see if you can find those. Of course I had lots of layers over that gauze pad to protect my finger from bumps. Used more regular gauze and then held it on with that knitted tubing for fingers they sell at the pharmacy. And they made me a padded metal thing to cover the whole thing. I did get antibiotics and a tetanus shot too. They told me to avoid neosporin for the long term because it tends to gum up on the wound and then you have to get it off. Hope some of this helps you.
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