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Old 02-01-2012, 05:56 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 8
Default Cawll it "Sun Waves"

Just a thought - I would use two inner borders. The first medium yellow (like the one in your quilt) about 3/4 to 1 inch finished. The second a darker turquoise, ( one and a half to two inch) and finish with a really deeper blue /turquoise batick or non-obtrusive /non-print fabric - three to four inch (from the depth of turquoise/blue that you have in the quilt but not any of the fabric you already used). It is difficult to really see the colors just from your picture, so you need to audition a number of the above combinations I mentioned. Then I think you will be pleased with a beautiful bargello that has a border. The other suggestion would be no border but I think you and hub would like your beautiful work framed. BTW it sometimes takes a few days to audition the right combinations - just sleep with it and decide - your quilt will speak to you. I have waited over a week sometimes - changing combos - your border is your frame - to me it is as important or more to get it pleasing and to define your interior - as I said, usually the darker you go on the outer border (use the same for binding) the more your interior stands out. You did a wonderful quilt whatever you decide to do.
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