Old 02-07-2012, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by miss_ticky2 View Post
Ahh..yes...now, that WOULD be a nightmare for me too...I HATE spiders! I panic like mad...lol. At least I could handle the ants...if it had been spiders...I'd leave home I think...lol
Same here - I actually had a spider crawl into my ear in the middle of the night once. I was totally freaked out and my hubby didn't believe me. Just to calm me down he looked into my ear using a flashlight and there it was! He put rubbing alcohol on a q-tip and put that in my ear which made the spider crawl out and then we smashed him. I was so freaked I went to the dr. the next day so he could confirm that the spider didn't lay eggs in my ear while it was in there - I had visions of hundreds of baby spiders hatching... The dr. said he removes about 3 or 4 insects of different kinds from people's ears each year, mostly spiders and moths! To this day, no matter how warm it is, I pull the covers totally over both ears before I can go to sleep.
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