Thread: My Latte Quilt
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Old 02-11-2012, 08:42 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 10

I love your quilt. I did a latte Quilt online two years ago. I have all the blocks done. Just need to square them up and add sashing. My husband is constantly hounding me to FINISH it. I promised I would this year.
The class was wonderful , as they were around two hours of video each month. It was just like sitting in the front row of a quilt class and able to see everything she was showing. I believe she has a DVD out with lessons on it now. It is well worth the money and Serena is a fantastic teacher. I raised my sewing and embroidery level by leaps after making the blocks. You learn all about perfect placement. How to take a small design and make a large quilt block with many hoopings. Now there are huge hoops out so it could be made in one hooping. It was so much fun to do. When I finish, it will be my "Masterpiece" If you are interested her site is"
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