Thread: Any Takers?
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Old 03-03-2012, 12:54 PM
stitchinfrenzy's Avatar
Join Date: May 2010
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 65

After seeing so many references to comic book boards, I ordered some and started organizing fabric last week. I went through the first 100 boards and ordered more. I'm wrapping 1 to 3 yard pieces on the boards and standing them on bookshelves. I couldn't believe how much less space they take than the plastic tubs and bins my fabric was in. Now I will be able to see at a glance what I have and be more inspired to use it! I hated having to dig through plastic bins and still not find what I was looking for. I figure at the rate I'm going, and another couple hundred comic book boards, I'll have my fabric (1 yard pieces and up) organized in less than a month. Any thing under that will be folded on rulers or rolled and stored in baskets. All scraps will be cut with the Go cutter for scrap quilts and stored in labeled plastic shoe boxes. Good luck with your organizing. I've been trying to do it for years and this is the first time I can really see progress. Comic book boards are the best idea I've seen for organizing ever!
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