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Old 03-16-2012, 08:38 AM
SuzyQ2's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Central Florida
Posts: 71


sorry to hear that you too are having the same problems the rest of us are. If your in the states google Janome and go on the home site and you will find all the contact info for Janome. Does it skip in all the modes or just one?

I've been fooling around with my dealer (which has to be the worst) for 9 months!!!

I finally had a proffesional long arm quilter come to my home and advise me as what is wrong. The list was long.
She felt my bobbin case was defective, also my back sensor was not working.
With her help I'm now up and running.
Fingers crossed, tomorrow I plan to load a quilt on to see how things are now working.

Now I need to find another dealer....good luck and post back if you still need help.
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